Nestlé Outsiders
Ushering Frozen Pizza Into a New, National Era
Nestlé Outsiders
Industry: Food + Beverage
Outsiders Pizza Co. is part of Foundry Foods, an innovation incubator backed by Nestlé USA. It offers frozen pizza based on regional styles like Detroit and Milwaukee.
When millennials scoffed at the frozen food aisle and sales took a nosedive, Nestlé saw an opportunity to build up its new regional-style pizza brand, Outsiders Pizza Company. That’s where we came in—playing the role of culinary rebels on a mission to make frozen pizza cool again.

We helped the Fortune 500 brand bring Outsiders Pizza Company to the masses by redefining what it meant to “do influencer marketing”. Rather than tapping the traditional mega-followings, we focused on micro and niche community influencers with highly engaged circles of influence (AKA the real MVPs) in key test markets. In this case, that meant everyone from millennial business owners to tattoo artists and drag queens.

Sure, there were (super fun) sampling events that drew thousands of potential customers, and yeah, more than 70 partners activated across social channels for widespread awareness. But the real mark of ROI? Nestlé’s decision to move beyond the test markets and take the Outsiders Pizza Company nationwide. Now that’s a pizza party!