I just recently began listening (my version of reading) to The Toilet Paper Entrepreneur. I’ve had several friends recommend this book and so far it seems promising. One of the topics addressed early on is the concept of self-limiting thinking. The big idea is that you could very well be limiting your success through the thoughts you choose to think and believe.
Don’t You Dare Stop: The Process of Leaping and Landing.
Pursuing a dream can be challenging and scary. Being an entrepreneur is hard. It’s risky. Even if you’ve made it past the initial leap, there are opportunities and challenges every day that involve new leaps. It’s not just one leap and then you’re soaring forever. Instead, it’s more like one huge leap, which lets you know you are capable of flying, then there are many more opportunities to test your wings. You land. You leap again.
Within this series of leaps and lands, the temptation to fear failure is still present. Self-doubt can rear its ugly head and leave you feeling vulnerable, nervous and afraid. After all, just because you’ve flown before, doesn’t mean you’ll fly this time, right? Perhaps last time was just a fluke. You probably just got lucky. Maybe you weren’t really flying before … Perhaps it’s best to just stay put.
Don’t you dare entertain those self-defeating thoughts. You’ve come too far to turn back now. Just because you may meet a roadblock (or several) does not mean that it’s time to turn back or sit down. Perseverance is more important than ever. This is when your strength is tested. It’s time to flex your muscles and press forward, past fear and doubt.
Don’t let self-doubt and fear keep you from pursuing your dream and finishing what you set out to accomplish.
Ditch Self-Doubt and Pursue Your Dream …
If you find yourself in the middle of self-doubt, fear and being tempted to give up, reflect on the thoughts you’re feeding yourself. What are you allowing yourself to believe? Many wars are waged and won in the mind.
Just because you have yet to do something, does not mean you cannot succeed. Choose to replace self-limiting thinking with these thoughts to help overcome self-doubt and fear:
- I have everything I need to succeed right now. I will tackle the future when I get there.
- This is the right thing to do. I will not choose fear.
- I’ve taken on greater risk and succeeded in the past.
- I’ve overcome bigger tasks than this before.
- I can do this. This is a chance to try something new.
- Worst case scenario is that I get stuck and have to ask for help. I’m going to try my best and decide next steps from there.
- I am strong, smart and creative. I am capable and I can do this.
- I have one life and will regret not taking this risk. I must do this.
- Who can I talk to that will encourage me to take this next step?
Only you know your thoughts. Don’t allow yourself to be swept into doubt and fear. Don’t give in. Don’t stop moving forward.
Don’t you dare stop.
~ Kate