Monday Inspiration: Harness Your Mind to Achieve Success

In my business journey, I’ve quickly come to realize that my mind is either my most valuable resource or worst enemy. When it comes to accomplishing goals, I can either choose to harness my mind into the pursuit of discipline or let it wonder into lackluster. It is possible to follow the narrow path into success and choose self-discipline, however,  it takes determination and repetition. It’s All in Your Mind The true and lasting change you can experience through a disciplined mind is remarkable. When I think about the amount of change, and how far I’ve come in such a Persist Until Something happens

In my business journey, I’ve quickly come to realize that my mind is either my most valuable resource or worst enemy. When it comes to accomplishing goals, I can either choose to harness my mind into the pursuit of discipline or let it wonder into lackluster. It is possible to follow the narrow path into success and choose self-discipline, however,  it takes determination and repetition. PUSH

It’s All in Your Mind

The true and lasting change you can experience through a disciplined mind is remarkable. When I think about the amount of change, and how far I’ve come in such a short period of time, it’s exciting. These positive experiences are a direct result of committing my mind to discipline and the pursuit of continual improvement.

There will always be excuses and reasons not to pursue your goals and dreams. That’s just life. We’re always looking for an easier way to do things, which is why we buy gadgets from infomercials and we’re constantly on the look out for quick steps to success. The hard truth is that there really isn’t a shortcut to real and lasting change. There is not a magic bullet.

Change Can Happen … Once You Commit.

You can only begin to experience change once you commit, and begin to cultivate habits that create an environment to support that change. It’s essential to lay the ground-work to sustain the goals you’re pursuing.

That said, change and success, can happen quickly once you make up your mind, face your fear and begin to pursue things of value — the narrow path — leading to your goal. There is no strict timeline to achieve change or success. Once you’ve made up your mind, commit to the pursuit of your goals doggedly until you taste success. Then, do it again.

Persist Until Something Happens

It doesn’t matter how far you have to go before accomplishing your goals or what others around you are doing. It’s all in your mind and you hold the keys. You can choose to move forward to success or you can prolong your journey and make things harder on yourself. It takes sacrifice but you are stronger than you think you are.

Action Steps: Take a mental inventory and ask yourself what the narrow path looks like to reach your goal. What should you give up? What should you start pursuing? Where do you need to step up and commit?

Choose to harness your mind to reap the benefits of success.

A modified version of this post first appeared on my food and fitness blog, KateUpdates.

Kate Finley

Founder + CEO of Belle
Currently thriving in Puerto Rico