How I Grew My Linkedin Connections from 200 to 500+ *Video*

Because I work within social media on a daily basis, it can be easy to assume others are using the same tactics or they already know how to best utilize each social tool/medium. However, that’s often not the case because we’re all at various stages of social media engagement and networking. So, I thought I would take a moment to share some of the strategy I use to build my social networks. BONUS: it’s a video! I put together the below video to explain some of the strategy behind how I took my Linkedin network from just barely 200 connections How to Grow Your Linkedin Network

Because I work within social media on a daily basis, it can be easy to assume others are using the same tactics or they already know how to best utilize each social tool/medium. However, that’s often not the case because we’re all at various stages of social media engagement and networking. So, I thought I would take a moment to share some of the strategy I use to build my social networks.

BONUS: it’s a video! I put together the below video to explain some of the strategy behind how I took my Linkedin network from just barely 200 connections to 500+ at a rapid pace. I set a goal late last year to reach the coveted 500+ status by January 2013 and I achieved it.

What’s Your Strategy?

As with all social networks, a strategy is essential to lasting success. You have to make a game plan and keep it at the forefront. Small steps can lead to big success if you are consistent in moving toward your goal, while being thoughtful about your strategy. There are a variety of ways you can grow your connections on Linkedin, but the techniques I outline in the below video are what worked best for me.

Have you had success in growing your Linkedin connections? Let me know what techniques you use, as well as your thoughts on the following:

  • Do you accept any and all connection requests?
  • Do you have to know the person before you connect with them?

I’d love to hear from you, so leave me a comment below!

How I Grew My Linkedin Connections from 200 to 500+ *Video* How to Grow Your Linkedin Network

Kate Finley

Founder + CEO of Belle
Currently thriving in Puerto Rico