How to Be a Boss, Like a Boss.

I hope the title of this post doesn’t mislead you. I want to be clear right away that I am not sharing a how-to guide in being a boss. Because honestly, at this point, I do not consider myself to have enough ‘street cred’ for a post on that topic — at least not yet. I’m still learning which qualities I should pursue and which I should ‘give the boot’ as I take my place in the realm of Bossdom. You see, I’m quickly nearing the the conclusion of my first year as a business owner. It’s flying by and

How to Be A Boss Belle Communications

I hope the title of this post doesn’t mislead you. I want to be clear right away that I am not sharing a how-to guide in being a boss. Because honestly, at this point, I do not consider myself to have enough ‘street cred’ for a post on that topic — at least not yet. I’m still learning which qualities I should pursue and which I should ‘give the boot’ as I take my place in the realm of Bossdom.

You see, I’m quickly nearing the the conclusion of my first year as a business owner. It’s flying by and I’m learning and growing as fast as I can while working to keep family, health, and life goals in focus. (And yes, that absolutely means I’m not working 90 or even 60-hour work weeks.)

How to Be A Boss: The Pursuit and Eventually Obtaining of it ‘All

I do, however, believe in the pursuit of having it all. I’ve defined and re-defined what that means exactly and I will most likely do so again before the year is complete. What I am in the process of building in business is something that is living, breathing, moving, and thriving. Change is a constant part of this process and, as a ‘boss’, I have to keep myself in the position to adapt and pivot as challenges and opportunities surface.

Lifestyle + Position + Choice = Boss

We’ve all seen example of bad bosses. These are the micro-managers, the control junkies, workaholics, and the arrogant. These are not the people I’m talking about today. To be clear, when I use the term ‘boss’, I’m not simply referencing a title or role but instead a lifestyle, position, and choice.

  • It’s a lifestyle because being a boss is a part of practically everything you do: how you invest your time, the decisions you make, the people you associate with, mentors, your character, time spent, and so on.
  • It’s a position because, let’s face it, you can’t be a boss if you don’t have the power. Specific to what I’m discussing here, this can be the position of business owner, manager, or really any other designated role of authority.
  • It’s a choice because even if you may have the technical title, that doesn’t mean you are choosing to live up to the expectation of bossdom (or you may not even want it for that matter). You also have to choose to pursue a lifestyle and create habits that support being a boss.

I’m in charge of how I spend my time, the decisions I make, the pursuits I chase, and the future I build. Obviously there are outside factors that influence all of these things but what I’m after in this post, are the ideals and qualities of what I’ll refer to as being a boss.

Definition Matters

So, what is a boss? What does it take to be a boss? What qualities should be pursued and which should be given a quick, purposeful, kick to the curb?

First, there’s the classic definition of boss, which entails exercising authority over someone. Then there’s the 1980’s definition of boss, in which being boss means the person or object is totally rad and superior. Then, there’s my definition:

Someone who owns their designated role by pursuing the skills, qualities, and stamina of an innovative leader while consistently striving to be better in all areas that relate to and benefit themselves, their role, and their team.

Key Indicators of Bossdom

I’ve taken time and considerable research to pinpoint leaders who are owning their space and exemplify the qualities I feel are truly boss like as defined above. I encourage you to do the same. Then follow those leaders and learn everything you can.

These are some of the qualities I’m pursuing and think are excellent qualifications of being a boss:

  • Smart
  • Disciplined
  • Accountable
  • Creative
  • Delegator
  • Initiator
  • Empowered
  • Learner
  • Problem-solver
  • Resourceful
  • Adaptable
  • Committed
  • Systematic
  • Decisive
  • Enjoyable
  • Inspiring
  • Leader

How to Be a Boss, Be a Boss: Own Your Bossdom

One common denominator in being a boss is that of discipline. You have to consistently do what it takes to be a boss and then do more. You have to do the work. You have to think big and strive for better, greater things. You have to get up early and sometimes stay up late. You have to stay ahead of your team and your clients. It’s hard work … and it’s extremely gratifying.

In my experience, being a boss is the one of the most extraordinary challenges I’ve embarked upon yet. Basically, being a boss, is pretty boss.

What qualities would you add to the list I shared? How are you pursuing being a boss in your career, organization or business? 


Kate Finley

Founder + CEO of Belle
Currently thriving in Puerto Rico